In the vein of ancient echoes and the whispers of timeless glens, SAOR, the torchbearers of Scotland’s majestic heritage, announce the release of their enthralling new album, Amidst the Ruins.
SAOR continues to breathe life into history with their captivating synthesis of atmospheric black metal and the haunting melodies of Celtic folk. This latest album is a monumental tribute to the ancestral spirits and untamed landscapes of Caledonia. Echoing the tales of yore, each track opens a doorway to Scotland’s storied past.
The Glen of Sorrow paints the tragic saga of the Massacre of Glencoe, while The Sylvan Embrace, featuring the spellbinding Jo Quail, transports listeners to the serene heart of Scotland’s verdant forests. From the awe-inspiring Echoes of the Ancient Land to the transformative journey of Rebirth, every note is suffused with the strength, sorrow, and spirit of the highlands.
At the album’s core lies the title track, Amidst the Ruins, a reflection of the conflict between the relics of Scotland’s noble past and the ephemeral distractions of modern life. This song is both a homage to the enduring legacy of the land and a clarion call to reconnect with the sacred threads of tradition.
Amidst the Ruins is out this Friday on Season of Mist.