Six long years have passed, years filled with the echoes of distant memories. Now, the saga resumes with Soulbound Symphony, the brand-new single that marks the triumphant return of Ancient Bards!
And as every great tale demands, legendary guests join the fray: Simone Mularoni, wielding his guitar in a breathtaking shred duel alongside Claudio. Gabriele Boschi, enchanting with his violin, weaving magical and poignant melodies that elevate the epic atmosphere.
Soulbound Symphony is more than just a single. It’s a battle cry, a call to adventure, and the beginning of what’s yet to come.
Prepare to be swept away by an epic force unlike any other. Stay tuned, more revelations are on the horizon!
The Black Crystal Sword Saga continues!
Listen here:
Jan. 17, 2025