For more than two decades, THY CATAFALQUE was a studio-only project. That changed in 2021, when Tamás Kátai and a rotating cast of heavy hitters performed at the Fekete Zaj Festival, which was captured on the live album Mezolit.
Now, Thy Catafalque have solidified as a live act (though they still surprise audiences with a special guest here and there). Back in May, they played Budapest Park in Kátai’s native Hungary. The setlist included the elegant, cinematic cello of old favorites like “Kő koppan”, the heady “Töltés”, off the soon-to-be reissued ‘Geometria’, as well as “Néma vermek”, the punishing, synth-swirled closer off the band’s new album ‘Alföld’.
Watch the band play six songs off their Budapest Park setlist HERE.
‘Alföld’ is out now on Season of Mist. Stream the album HERE. Order it HERE.
Thy Catafalque’s next show is on August 16 at this year’s Feke Zaj Festival.
Photo by Gábor Vaczó